Hare Madhav Prabhat Pheri

॥ हरे माधव दयाल की दया॥ प्रभात फेरीप्रभात फेरी, सतगुरु साहिबान जी द्वारा बक्शी गयी वह सेवा है जिसमें सतगुरु सेवक एकत्रित हो अपने प्यारे सतगुरू की शान में रूहानी कारवां लेकर अपने नगर-थांव में फेरी लगाते हैं व समस्त जीवात्माओं को पूरण सतगुरू साधसंगत, नाम-बंदगी, सेवा चाकरी से जुड़ने...

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What should be The Best Gift?

The first thing that comes to our mind regarding birthdays is gift. We search the best possible gift for our beloveds to make them feel special and we do this because they mean to us. From this we can imagine what a devotee must be feeling for his True Master...

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Hare Madhav | Satguru Baba | Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji

Celebrate Eternal Diwali

Diwali is festival of lights, happiness and prosperity. It is an auspicious day. Diwali has its own sacred importance, According to the mythology Lord Ram returned after completing the vanvas of 14 long years and was welcomed with lighting dias and crackers all over. Similarly a soul seperated from its...

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Hare Madhav Blog


True Masters are free from all kind of bondages; they preach us to render selfless service and guide them on the path of spirituality to unite with Supreme One Hare Madhav Lord. Pooran Satguru bestows upon His disciples with the treasure of Sewa (Service), Satsang(Holy discourses), Simran(Remembrance) and Dhyaan(Meditation). Attaining...

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Hare Madhav Blog

What a Heart Feels at Varsi Mahotsav ?

Varsi Mahotsav celebrates the reunion of the souls with the Supreme with the love and devotion of True Master His Holiness Satguru Baba Ishwar Shah Sahibji. To celebrate this reunion, people from different parts of world arrive at Hare Madhav’s humble abode in the city of Madhav Nagar Katni, Madhya...

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Hare Madhav | Satguru Baba | Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji

Are we SLAVES or MASTER of our MIND?

Since childhood, we have been reading essays on whether “science is our slave or our master”. If we cast the same light onto us, we will find that it is applicable to our minds as well. We don’t control our mind, it controls us. We don’t even realize our loss...

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Hare Madhav | Satguru Baba | Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji

क्या हम मन के ग़ुलाम हैं या स्वामी ?

हम बचपन से ही “विज्ञान” का निबंध पढ़ते आ रहे है कि विज्ञान हमारा सेवक (Slave) है या स्वामी (MASTER)। इसी प्रकार से यदि हम देखें तो यह तुलना हमारे अंदर जो मन है उसके साथ भी की जा सकती है। हमारे अंदर जो मन है, वह हमें अपनी मर्ज़ी...

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Hare Madhav | Satguru Baba | Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji


Each soul is the fragment of Supreme Master, which has forgotten its basic objective and is treading aimlessly in the company of illusionary materialistic mind. Entangled in the trap of karmas it is experiencing the miseries of births and deaths. Looking at the miserable condition of the suffering souls the merciful...

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