In the present time, the Hare Madhav Darbar regularly organizes on a large scale, the congregations, chanting of hymns and spiritual songs, meditation sessions at the early hours, vivid voluntary services and morning & evening mass dining. Massive assemblage of the disciples from within the country and abroad is a common sight in Madhav Nagar, Katni during the grand congregations organized on the occasions of VARSI PARV, SATGURU PARV, GURU POORNIMA, AVTARAN DIWAS etc. The free of charge facility for boarding, lodging and transportation is provided by Hare Madhav Parmarth Satsang Samiti, Madhav Nagar, Katni to the visiting disciples.

Hare Madhav Parmarth Satsang Samiti (Regn. No. 63/2006) was established by the divine inspiration and blessings of the Present True Master. The Samiti through its more than 250 branches across the country is extending the advantages of divine ideology of the Hare Madhav sect to the masses through the regular congregations and selfless services. These branches take up varied tasks of public welfare such as drinking water stands in summers, distribution of quilts to the poor and shelterless in winters, free eye check-up camps, homeopathy and yoga camps etc. The samitis also impart their valuable contribution in the times of natural catastrophes like floods, earthquakes etc.
Hare Madhav Parmarth Satsang Samiti expanded immensly under the guidance of Present True Master His Holiness Satguru Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji, empowering the especially abled by providing them with Tri-Cycles, Sewing Machines etc, along with free of cost oxygen cylinders from time to time. These selfless services are being effectuated with sincere devotion in Madhavnagar, Katni as well as various other cities.

Augmentation of medical facilities in Baba Madhav Shah Chikitsalaya-
Through the trust operated Baba Madhav Shah Chikitsalaya (Hospital), various free of charge health check-up & operation camps such as blood donation, eye check-up and free distribution of medicines are organized. The hospital also facilitates therapies like Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Physiotherapy, Yoga etc.
For the respite and comfortable stay of the sangat arriving from different cities His Divinity Babaji got constructed four residential houses namely Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Bhavan, Satguru Baba Govind Shah Bhavan, Satguru Baba Manohar Shah Bhavan, Hare Narayan Bhavan and renovation of Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Bhavan.

For the conservation of environment a large scale tree plantation drive is organized all over the country under the banner of Hare Madhav Green India Campaign, every year on the 18th of November, the pious occasion of His Holiness Satguru Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji’s Incarnation Day.
His holiness Satguru Baba Ishwar Shah Sahibji preaches to serve by accepting the form of lord within all,Hare Madhav lord has blessed us with this priceless human birth blossom the breaths of life.there must be mellowness in speech,service to elders,sacredness towards society and country at large and kindness towards humanity to uplift the children in all sects of life. In this beautiful nursery of Hare Madhav Ruhani Bal Sanskar,along with academic knowledge,children are imparted with ethical wisdom too.with the imsense blessings of Satguru Babaji,each child shall become a visionary full of divine wisdom so that the latent knowledge within them enlightens.It’s important to remember that a narrow mind bores narrow thoughts and vice versa.Rising above all this ,Babaji imparts the soulful love and the wisdom of paramount oneness since childhood.

The compilations of Hare Madhav divine sermons and messages are available in languages such as Hindi, English, Marathi and Sindhi through various literatures, audio and video CDs, all of which is easily available at Hare Madhav Sahitya Kendra (official Hare Madhav Literature Store) in Madhav Nagar, Katni.
A monthly magazine entitled ‘HARE MADHAV SADUPDESH’ (Regn. No. MPHIN/2016/72833) is published by Hare Madhav Parmarth Satsang Samiti for the benefit of the devotees all over the world.

Satguru Babaji formulated a code of conduct for Hare Madhav Parmarth Satsang Samiti and for the devotee sewadaaris:
- After getting free from the daily morning routine sit for Meditation from 5 am thereafter attend Satsang after that volunteer service and in the evening from 7 pm onwards attend Satsang and participate in listening and singing of hymns get associated with devotion to the divine.
- Always be polite, soft spoken and speak only when required and according to the time and situation.
- Pray in the lotus feet of the True Master to endow us with the attributes such as truthfulness, forbearance, contentment and humility.
- Offer humble and self-less service observing the qualities of love and civility.
- Upholding utmost true love, faith and devotion in the feet of the True Master and accepting His pious command with pleasure and contentment.
- Making efforts to correct and improve self rather than pointing the mistakes of others.
- Fully utilizing the available time by performing the regular duties (sewa), attending satsang, meditation and attaining the grace and mercy of the True Master.
- Always taking simple food. Minimum possible eating and sleeping so as to maintain good health and avoiding slackness during satsang, sewa and meditation.
- One must consider oneself fortunate to have the privilege of getting sewa as per the command of the Master so must remain content and happy with whichever sewa one gets. Sewa is neither small nor big; it is true and accepted only if performed following the command of the Master.
- Never keep traits of malice, hatred and spite towards others rather have a compassionate and humble attitude towards all.
- Do not waste time in futile debates and inept talks, observe a spotless character and keep away from evils.
- After completing the daily sewa do not indulge in false talks rather utilize time in attending satsang and reading scriptures of darbar. Invest more and more time in meditation.
- Abiding the rules and regulations of Darbar Sahib, follow the instructions of Hare Madhav Parmarth Satsang Samiti with utmost sincerity and dedication.