|| Hare Madhav Dayal Ki Daya ||
Beloved devotees present in the holy congregation of the possessor of Bhajan-Simran Satguru, recite wholeheartedly with folded hands - ‘Hare Madhav’.
‘Vaani His Holiness Satguru Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji’
|| Kaal Khand Mein Aaye Ke, Khele Satguru Param Kripal ||
|| Kaal Khand Mein Rooh Ubaare, Aap Ban Kul Dayal ||
In the lotus feet of Supreme Lord Satguru, we devotees bow down in loving reverence and recite with folded hands, ‘Hare Madhav’.
The ambrosial Vaani of today’s Satsang discourses was vocalized by His Holiness Satguru Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji on 14th August 2019, at 9:20 pm; this Vaani is an enlightening message to all mankind. His Holiness explains that the unseen Almighty Lord draped in the robe of Accomplished True Masters has been incarnating on this land for ages and since ages, the Accomplished True Masters have been helping the beings liberate from the illusions of the mind and enlighten their inner-self. Fearless (Nirbhava) and unperturbed, the Accomplished True Masters orchestrate numerous wondrous spectacles to take souls back to the holy abode of Lord Hare Madhav, He rules the realm of Parmatva. His way of life is detached and carefree; Their command is the command of the Sovereign Lord. Thus stated in the Satsang Vaani:-
|| Kaal Khand Mein Aaye Ke, Khele Satguru Param Kripal ||
|| Kaal Khand Mein Rooh Ubaare, Aap Ban Kul Dayal ||
Since the beginning, Perfect Masters have preached the command of the Sovereign Lord. So the question arises, where do such Accomplished True Masters come from? Dear disciples! It's said that some Accomplished True Saints incarnate from the transcendental world and are divinely illumined since birth; while some achieve the Parmatva state and become the Accomplished True Saints after earning the treasure of Bhajan-Simran. The Accomplished True Saints enlighten the beings. Like Nasa sends spacecraft to the space, researches other celestial bodies & planets for the possibility of life, atmosphere, water and informs the rest of the world; the context of the explanation being, the Accomplished True Masters unveil the radiance of Parmatva within Them, They are the liberated entities and always remain enlightened. They incarnate from the Dhur Loka in this Kaalkhand (mortal realm) and spread the divine message to liberate the parted souls from this Kaalkhand and unite them with their ultimate source.
|| Kaal Khand Mein Rooh Ubaare, Aap Ban Kul Dayal ||
Lord True Master blesses all souls with His calming congregation, ambrosial Naam, the wisdom of eternal life and selfless service and settles us at immense peace in this world and truly joyful in our next.
What is the mighty source of True Masters’ incarnation? Which unseen radiance do they possess that is unfathomable, immeasurable? So it is sermonized, Lord Satguru emerged from the unseen Lord and cautioned; O beings! Your Lord is within you. Transcend yourself from the sorrowing & complex world of illusory Kaal to the Supreme nectarine abode of Self. We refer to Perfect Masters as ‘Sache Patshah’ (True Emperor) because they became one with the True Lord by attaining the state of ultimate truth, the state that is unperturbed, that is perpetual.
|| Kaal Khand Mein Rooh Ubaare, Aap Ban Kul Dayal ||
Sadh Sangat Ji! Today, we are celebrating the Prakashotsav (Incarnation-Day) of carefree Saint Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji who always remained jovial in His Nirvana state & thus seated in the shelter of Possessor of Bhajan-Simran Satguru Baba Ishwar shah Sahib Ji. On this pious occasion, heartfelt greetings to one & all.
His Holiness incarnated on 18th August 1880, on Wednesday. In the divine hour of His incarnation, nature rejoiced, it rained heavily as if Raga Malhar was being sung. His Holiness Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji’s mother was Revered Tulibai, father Revered Sh. Khiyal Das Ji, two elder brothers Revered Sh.Thakur Das Ji & Sh. Chetan Das Ji; His Holiness was the youngest and was named Bhai Sajan in His childhood.
Since childhood, His Holiness purely remained inclined within (Antarmukhi) and stayed jovial in the service & devotion of the True Master. Ten to twelve years before being seated on the True Master’s throne, His Holiness disappeared and fearlessly traversed in the far jungles of Haridwar, Badrinath, and meditated in the ice caves and many such terrifying places, where an ordinary man would never dare to. When His Holiness visited those dense forests, even the fiercest of animals forgot violence and bowed in reverence in His pious feet. When His Holiness returned after a long time, with the greatest treasure of Parmatva, His face was radiant with a glorious gleam like the light of a thousand suns; then His Holiness spread this treasure of Parmatva to all through various wondrous Leelas.
Dear Saadh Sangat Ji! During those days, Madhav Nagar was a small village. His Holiness, every evening, walked with a stick in His hand, and cautioned & warned everyone in a lofty voice “Adhere to the devotion of the one, creator Lord.” The Accomplished True Master His Holiness would stage whimsical plays that would free the souls from the trap of mind and align them on the path of Hare Madhav Dhaam. His Holiness warned, “O Souls! Rise above negligence, make efforts towards the devotion of Satguru” and suggested everyone take the path of inaccessible (Agam) world. The inaccessible & unseen Lord can be experienced in the form of Supreme Light by the devotion towards Satguru and not by any other means and this supreme light can only be seen by meditating the Holy word (Naam) bestowed by the Accomplished True Master. The True Word (Naam) is echoing within all of us and this Naam possesses the supreme light. When the beings meditate upon this Naam, the light of inaccessible & unseen Lord kindles within.
Witnessing such wondrous plays, some people would speak ill of His Holiness which would be intolerably painful. The sheer intellects of the town who were either false saints or self-willed manmukhas failed to understand the glory of His Holiness’s divine spectacles.
Dear ones! It is an undeniable truth that He, who is a form of the formless, is Videhi Mukta, is Jeevan Mukta Tatvetta, His glory is impossible to perceive by an ignorant being’s intellect or senses. Ever since Present True Master Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji, in His own ecstatic state, has been revealing the mysteries of great compassion and beneficence of the previous Masters, the elderly devotees often immerse in emotions realizing that His Holiness Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji and Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji wanted to shower their grace upon all of them but they couldn't understand at the time. They had blindly followed the tradition & held no love. Ever since the Possessor of Bhajan Simran Satguru Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji has manifested & revealed the divine mysteries, the disciples have been recollecting the boundless plays of mercy and grace of previous True Masters; till then they were asleep in ignorance. Now they all revere His Pious feet with immense love. So devotees! Today is the time to awaken. It’s the time to enhance the love & devotion by listening to the glory of the Accomplished Masters.
|| Kaal Khand Mein Aaye Ke, Khele Satguru Param Kripal ||
His Holiness Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji vocalizes in Hare Madhav Yatharth Santmat Vachan Updesh 379; O beings! Soul resides within the body and Supreme Lord resides within the soul, so ultimately, both soul & Supreme Lord are present in every cell of the body. No matter how many pieces a bread is broken into, all the pieces belong to the same bread. Now, when a single piece of bread isn’t different from the whole bread, how can soul and Supreme be any different? All our senses, cells, mind, thoughts are filled with Supreme. Of all our chakras, it isn’t necessary that only the last chakra reveals the Supreme, rather, all the chakras have Supreme residing in them. The merciful Supreme is merciful in the Sachkhand as well as in the Kaalkhand. His Holiness vocalizes-
|| Kaal Khand Mein Aaye Ke, Khele Satguru Param Kripal ||
The Accomplished True Master is one with the Almighty Supreme and His each & every cell, every glance, every thought is abundant with Parmatva and full of immense compassion, He reflects the oneness with Supreme. These are the sermons of the Accomplished Master, the destroyer of sorrows, who cuts the noose of all the Prarabdhik, Sanchit & Kriyamaan karma of the beings-
|| Kaal Khand Mein Rooh Ubaare, Aap Ban Kul Dayal ||
He settles the karmas of all kinds of devotees with His various expressions of mercy & wondrous Leelas. Now, believing that the desires or disinterest, devotion or apathy all are bestowed by Him, is a unique degree of Lord’s devotion which His Holiness says every disciple must adopt.
Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji in His Rabbi Vaani says-
|| Aaye Pragate Sant Dayal, Ajab Khel Racha Swaang Kamaal ||
|| Prem Charnan Jin Ramaaya, Aatam Ram Tin Alakh Dhyaaya ||
|| Se Sadaa Beparvaahe, Atam Mouj Ke Shaahi ||
|| Khinn Mein Taade, Khinn Kare Nihaale ||
|| Agam Nigam Ki Baatein, Mouj Me Raaz Sab Khole ||
|| Sant Poora Bada Kirpaala, Dhurdham Ka Daata ||
|| Kahe ‘Narayan Shah’ Suno Pyaron ||
|| Poora Sant Ram Sujana, Swaang Dhara Sab Bhed Chitaya ||
Guru Maharaj Ji vocalizes, the Accomplished True Master hides His true form and wondrous spectacles in His carefree ecstasy.
|| Poora Sant Ram Sujana, Swaang Dhara Sab Bhed Chitaya ||
Why? O, dear! This is His own divine will-
|| Swaang Dhara Sab Bhed Chitaya ||
The Lord is creating countless beings every day and giving them countless breaths for survival; and also, regulating the entire cosmos with His command. But, even if we wish to, we cannot witness it through our physical eyes. When we find the Possessor of Bhajan Simran True Master, He bestows us with the key to attain the divine vision. Then, He takes our soul to the higher realms and reveals His true & vast divine form to the soul. Thus it is decreed-
|| Agam Nigam Ki Baatein, Mouj Me Raaz Sab Khole ||
The Lord True Master destroys the beings’ ignorance & complexities of mind through His glorious Bhajan-Dhyaan. In order to uproot the seed of the Karma of beings, He bestows them devotion, selfless service, meditation, remembrance, wisdom & divine discourses through His pious company. His Holiness says, Dear! According to the Tatva perspective, the Accomplished True Master is neither born nor does; He is unborn, eternal & is one with the Divine. However, no script can describe enough the endless glory of True Master’s internal & spiritual position.
Like, before consuming the food, one starves and feels energy less, but once the food is consumed, the starvation fades away as if it was never there. Similarly, His Holiness says, the meditation Bhajan of Satguru Naam satiates the starving soul. Thus, to explain the glory of this divine sacrament by Satguru (Guru Prasad) is like showing a torch to the sun.
In this Kaalkhand (the mortal world), human beings are burdened under apathy, negativity, ill-thoughts & Maya. Maya is but being unconscious of our spiritual reality and it conceals the Parmatma within us. When the beings join the hoy company of Lord True Master, there, the True Master molds the beings’ thoughts into positive, loving & blissful ones. He prospers the souls with Supreme treasure, as decreed-
|| Prem Charnan Jin Ramaaya, Aatam Ram Tin Alakh Dhyaaya ||
Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji, Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji manifested in the human form only to compassionately deliver the commands of Supreme to all.
|| Se Sadaa Beparvaahe, Atam Mouj Ke Shaahi ||
|| Khinn Mein Taade, Khinn Kare Nihaale ||
The Possessor of Bhajan Simran True Master blesses the souls even through His endearing scolding, for this is His divine way of showering the grace upon all. Countless souls are showered under His blessings. Dear Disciples! We often hear various enlightening & merciful instances of Accomplished True Master. With His divine will & in carefree ecstasy, Emperor Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji would always grace & uplift the beings through His divine spectacles and guide the society as well towards righteousness.
||Khinna Me Taade, Khinna Kare Nihaale||
||Agam Nigam Ki Baatein, Mauj Me Raaj Sab Khole||
On one hand, His Holiness would shower mercy upon the beings and on the other hand, He would veil their minds with Maya to hide His merciful Leela by scolding and lashing out on them and; thus Vaani states-
|| Kaal Khand Mein Rooh Ubaare, Aap Ban Kul Dayal ||
The Accomplished True Master has been referred to as the compassionate & Supreme Giver because the sacrament He grants cannot be granted by anyone else in this creation. Remember! To procure such sacrament, the disciple has to be eligible enough and possess emotions like Meera and Vidur.
His Holiness further vocalizes in the ambrosial Vaani-
|| Daata Satguru Sam Naahin Saadho Santon ||
|| Nau Khand Prith Nau Khand Pasaare ||
|| Saache Satguru to Bin Kaal Khand Aatam Na Ubare ||
The divine Vaanis & sermons vocalized by His Holiness Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji are filled with profound enlightening commandments for the entire mankind. Guru Maharaj Ji vocalizes –
|| Daata Satguru Sam Naahin Saadho Santon ||
|| Nau Khand Prith Nau Khand Pasaare ||
The cycle of Kaal’s bondages is called life and death in the Nav-Khand (nine zones of the earth according to Puranas). His Holiness explains that the capability of Accomplished True Master is infinite; hence talking of these earthly zones or realms, no one in Nav-Khand can grant us with the ultimate sacrament which the True Master blesses with His immense mercy equally upon all the beings.
Dear devotees! In these nine zones (Nav-Khand), the physical bodies of all the beings procure food, water, breath, air but even all of these are under the influence of Kaal, no one in the entire Nav-Khand can unite the soul with the Supreme Lord; which is why the soul doesn’t reach its real abode and fails to reunite with the Supreme Lord.
|| Saache Satguru Bin Kaal Khand Aatam Na Ubare ||
Remember devotees! A soul can unite with the Supreme Lord only through single-minded devotion and meditation upon the True Master. The True Master appears in this Kaalkhand only to unite the soul with the long-forgotten unseen Lord. The Accomplished True Master is boundlessly all-capable. Even if such Videhi Mukta Satguru doesn’t disclose or reveal His Supreme form, you must remember He is still the Accomplished True Master. Further, His divine enlightened form reappears from the Supreme realms and reveals His mystic sermons & Leelas; He is completely one with Him just like the headstreams of the Ganges become one with the Ganga. Then there remains no quest, no boundaries, no differences, no divisions of Nav-Khand after such unison.
|| Daata Satguru Sam Naahin Saadho Santon ||
|| Nau Khand Prith Nau Khand Pasaare ||
O soul! A person went to the market to buy Ghee but on seeing the variety of other attractive shops, like a kid, got distracted in their temptations. When it was time to close down the market, the shopkeepers put back their goods inside & locked their shops while he after wandering for long, returned to his home as it got dark. His elders asked whether he had bought the Ghee. He suddenly realized what he had gone out for and how he got distracted. He rushed back to the market but found the grocery shop closed. He kept searching for it in the market. Seeing him all worried and upset, a humble passer-by asked him, dear son! Do you want some Ghee, milk or butter? The humble passer-by gave all of it benevolently to him. This is exactly how the possessor of Bhajan-Simran Satguru is. The divine deals that can’t even be found in Kaalkhand or Nav-Khand are bestowed to the beings by the Accomplished True Master. His Holiness vocalizes; a being’s mind, under the influence of worldly lustre, corrupts the soul with delusions. Beings get delusional and become unable to possess the true inner pabulum or even digest it. They fail to procure the divine herb from the True Master and waste their precious breaths of human life. Dear disciples! Earn benefits of the human form while you have your breaths running.
It is the Accomplished True Master who bestows us with Naam, devotion & the state of Parmatva, only one thing is ultimate, through Satguru’s reverence filled with unconditional devotion, utter love, you can witness how that One divine light works across all realms. Satguru, in His deep divine realms, plays spectacles that are beyond any analogy, no pen in the world is mighty enough to write their glory. All the minds and wits of the worlds have limitations, but the might of the Ruler of these infinite realms is limitless.
|| Kautuk Ajaayab Rache, Na Gatt Matt Ko Pachaane ||
As stated in Hare Madhav Bhanga Amrit Vachan Saakhi Updesh 652, once, Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji, in His state of supreme ecstasy, was seated in Guru Darbar Sahib. It was a time of extreme poverty in the vicinity, but disciples were scared to come up to His Holiness because He, through His divine sight, would look at the state of a being’s mind and soul and learn all about their noble or ill-thoughts; His Holiness, for the welfare of all, would bless them by scolding or lashing out at them. Through this way, not only did His Holiness reveal His divinity & His wholeness, but also His oneness with the Supreme.
His Holiness was seated; a poor family from the city of Rewa came into His congregation. His Holiness asked them smilingly, what happened? The family, cryingly replied, our children are hungry, have mercy. His Holiness, in His divine ecstasy, replied, Baba! What do I have? When you give me to eat, I eat. What do I have? They began to weep like a dear seeker, Oh Lord, have mercy. His Holiness was seated on a simple mat (Taddi), His Holiness said, Baba, look! I don’t have anything, look at this tiled roof, look at this mat and this walking stick, all I have is this. The family and the children began praying to Him weepingly, bless us, have mercy on us Baba Ji. The possessor of all benevolence True Master vocalized in a stern voice, look beneath my mat and take whatever you may find there and feed it to your children. After speaking these words, His Holiness got up and began to walk, when the disciples lifted the mat up, there were 8 to 10 chapatis, ghee, curd, and even fritters, the disciples began to pick it all up when His Holiness called out in a strong-stern voice, take how much is necessary, “rest of it shall be dust”. Disciples took whatever they needed and kept the rest of it back under the mat which later vanished in the dust in the ground.
Dear disciples! Carefree Supreme Masters shower Their ultimate spiritual earnings in this mortal realm. Now who even has the mind to grasp & understand the might of such Supreme Beings, there can never be anyone who could possibly comprehend Their greatness, only the ones who went beyond the Amrit state can talk of the greatness of such Masters. Dear disciples! Then His Holiness vocalized these words to the family, when you go back to your town, do not tell anyone of what happened here today or people will come and ask for materialistic things, saying which His Holiness lashed out His stick upon them with the words “go and forget”. Histories and spectacles of life narrate that the family took upon the blessings and actually forgot all about it. Meaning O beloveds! The giver True Master gives all, blesses us with limitless fortunes and then drapes it all with His divine prowess. Like, if you look at a being, you know that he has the Lord within him but you can’t really see; you can’t see the Lord residing in his every cell, He sits within our hearts but look at the irony, He can’t be seen. He’s even present in all our minds but the cluster of our worldly thoughts don’t even let us realize He’s present there. Now similarly, the Accomplished True Master showers away all His blessings and then drapes it all too.
|| Kautuk Ajaayab Rache, Na Gatt Matt Ko Pachaane ||
Dear disciples! Who shall reveal the great earnings, grace and blessings of such Supreme Beings? Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji vocalized throughout His life that in the times to come, when our Supreme Form will manifest, then with His will and enlightened treasure of Bhajan Simran, shall reveal our divine spectacles, motives & mysteries of blessings. It is a glorious spectacle that when the Present True Master Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji arrived in Rewa city on Monday, 22nd April 2013 for Holy congregation; His Holiness commanded to the sewadaars that the scheduled initiation of Naam Mantra post Satsang shall be held in Katni and not here, to the devotees who are willing to be initiated.
Sadhsangat Ji! Masses of beloved devotees came to Madhav Nagar, Katni on the occasion of Gurupurnima in the month of July and were blessed with Naam (Holy Word). After the initiation, His Holiness asked a family from Rewa among the masses, Is everything is fine now? Then His Holiness vocalized these sermons, O Beloved! Remember whenever you come to Katni next, bring all the holy sacraments (Guruprasad) which His Holiness Madhav Shah Sahib Ji granted you around 60 years ago. Dear devotees! This is the same family which was blessed by His Holiness Madhav Shah Sahib Ji.
Dear Sadhsangat! All this is the profound glory of True Master’s sacrament which cannot be described in words, as it is impossible to sing the glory & mercy of Indescribable Possessor of Bhajan Simran True Master. The family could not understand the complete meaning of His Holiness Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji vocalized. When they returned to Rewa, there were grandparents at home, to whom the family narrated all the commands & sermons vocalized by His Holiness Babaji in Katni. The grandparents were old and bedridden, on listening to the commands from His Holiness Baba Ji, they recalled the long forgotten memories from past & began to weep out of deep love & longing for the True Master. They said, Emperor Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji bestowed us those sacraments here only. The whole family understood that the enlightened form of Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji is present today. All the merciful blessings we procured 60 years ago but forgot, today the Present True Master has unveiled all those divine mysteries and made us remember all those forgotten blessings from the past. Dear Sadhsangat! The supreme divine powers of True Masters are in oneness & this oneness is indescribable. O devotees! No words can justify the glory of such oneness, it is just like the oneness of Ganges & its headstreams.
The Present True Master glorifies the Dukh Bhanjan Satguru in the next segment of Vaani, listen wholeheartedly-
|| Kautuk Ajaayab Rache, Na Gatt Matt Ko Pachaane ||
|| Kahe ‘Daas Ishwar’ Aap Roop Ban Dukh Bhanjan Taare Rooh Ubaare ||
|| Hare Madhav Vani Bole, Prabhu Khumare Eke Tikna ||
|| Hau Baithat Dayale Ratt Sanga ||
Beloved disciples! The Possessor of Bhajan-Simran Present True Master Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji in His divine ecstasy, through enlightened treasure of oneness and pious sermons reveals the mysteries of spiritual realms. His Holiness unveils the mystery of divine and carefree will of Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji. Supreme Being True Master dwells in the Jeevan Mukta state. Such is the creation of this external world that some people praise and some dispraise Him but His Holiness resides in the state beyond the duality, in the state of Param Sam Drisht Yog. The Brahm Purana states that such Supreme Yogiraj, the Accomplished Tattva Veta always dwell in the sacred Supreme state.
|| Kautuk Ajaayab Rache, Na Gatt Matt Ko Pachaane ||
The treasures of Accomplished True Masters are endless & profound; one should always seek humbleness, forgiveness, faith, unwavering love & devotion towards such True Master.
Emperor True Master Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji would vocalize in His self-ecstasy that my divine form possessing the treasure of Bhajan Simran shall manifest & spread the sacrament of My compassion and enlightenment everywhere and liberate the beings from delusions, doubts and myths. O devotees-
“The sermons of the True Saints are unalterable”
“Even the God has abde them”
Present True Master Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji blesses the disciples by unveiling internal mysteries and vocalizes pious sermons and divine Leelas. He makes us experience the ambrosial bliss hidden in the divine Leelas and compassion of the Previous True Masters.
Hare Madhav Bhanga Amrit Vachan Saakhi Updesh 79 narrates this Sakhi of a loving devotee named Bhagat Dwarkadas Ji and his wife Mata Tikkul Devi Ji who departed to the Hare Madhav Loka in the year 2013. Around the year 1950-60, Mata Tikkul Devi’s hands were infected with some disease, there were boils all over and the pus oozed out. Bhagat
Dwarkadas took Mata Tikkul to doctor Mitra at Barhi Road in Katni, doctor Mitra too was a loving devotee of the True Master. Upon examining the wounds in her hands, he said that she was suffering from Kodh (leprosy) and prescribed some medicines for her. She consumed the medicines routinely for several months and also put ointment upon the affected parts but to her dismay, it spread all over her hands. Her family was worried and scared that the disease might spread to her whole body and other family members. Everyone kept praying to the True Master for mercy.
Sadh Sangat Ji! One day Dwarkadas Ji came into the pious presence of Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji and humbly prayed, O True Emperor! Tikkul has been suffering from leprosy for a long, we have tried every possible way out but the suffering is just multiplying. O, Sai Ji! Bestow Your grace upon us. His Holiness Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji replied, who said that Tikkul is diseased? Call that silly doctor Mitra; with little worldly knowledge, he claims himself an intellect but hasn’t gained the true divine knowledge. Yet His Holiness said further, I shall meet him later, he too is my loving devotee.
Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji in His carefree will, commanded Dwarkadas Ji, Dwarka! Go back and ask Tikkul to prepare meals for 50-60 people with her hands. I shall come along with the Sangat tomorrow. Listen attentively to what she has to prepare, Jwar Dhodha (chapatis), Saag and Mattha (buttermilk). Bhagat Dwarkadas Ji bowed and happily left for his home. The next day, Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji along with Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji arrived at Mata Tikkul’s house. Bhagat Dwarkadas Ji welcomed and humbly requested Baba Ji to be seated on His Asana. His Holiness asked, where is Tikkul? Bhagat Dwarkadas Ji replied with folded hands, O True Emperor! Tikkul has locked herself in a room & crying intensely. His Holiness lovingly called, Tikkul! Open the door. But she kept crying. His Holiness asked Dwarkadas Ji to call her, for He had come solely to see her. Dwarkadas Ji humbly said, Shehenshah Ji! The moment she has heard of Your command to cook meals for Your Holiness with her diseased hands, she has locked herself and been crying since then. She is not ready to come out and says, how can I cook food for my beloved Satguru with these diseased hands? I cannot commit such a sin. How can I serve my beloved Lord meals with my filthy hands?
Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji ordered Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji to convince her to come out. I shall only accept the food prepared by her. Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji went & knocking at the door, called Mata Tikkul Ji. Mata Tikkul Ji opened the door hesitantly with teary eyes & bowed with folded hands. She said, Baba! You are well aware of my condition. How can I appear before Sachhe Paatshah Ji with such diseased hands. My leprotic hands are oozing out pus, I feel helpless to appear before my beloved Satguru. His Holiness has been commanding me to prepare meals for Him but I cannot do so with these diseased hands. Please You seek mercy on my behalf, I can obey all other commands, but how can I commit such a sin by following this command. I cannot prepare and serve food for my Beloved Satguru. Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji said, Mata! It is the carefree will of the True Emperor. Mata Tikkul Ji said, No Baba! I won’t be accepted even in the darkest of hell. If I prepare meals for my beloved with these filthy hands then the pus would fall into the food and infect the food. Mata Tikkul Ji weepingly requested to put her plea before Satguru Sai Ji to not give such commands.
Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji stated, only Parbrahma Purukh, the True Patshah Ji knows what is good for us beings, it is the duty of us disciples to be in the command, obey Satguru Ji's Shree Hukum (command) with heart and soul. Hearing the words of Satguru Baba Narayan Shah Sahib Ji, Mata Tikkul came in the pious presence of Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji, hiding her hand and tears in her eyes. Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji said, Tikkul! How long have I been waiting for you, I am very hungry, I haven't had anything since morning. Quickly go and cook the meal but remember to knead the dough with your hands and make the Rotis too; also, prepare the buttermilk, only then shall I eat, if somebody else makes, I shall not consume the food.
Mata Tikul Ji had tears in her eyes, and she prayed, O Your Holiness, have mercy, be kind. O Lord, please do not command me something that I cannot fulfill for my Lord True Master. My heart is filled with guilt for my beloved has commanded me to cook but I am helpless.
Sai Ji! Command me to serve meals to Your Holiness, I shall fulfill it but my leprotic filthy hands are not worthy of cooking for You. Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji said in an endearing stern voice, Tikkul, you have to prepare as well as serve the meals; only then I shall lunch. Mata Tikkul kept pleading, O Lord, why are You doing this to me? Look at my hands, I am not crying because of this leprosy but because my beloved Emperor of this creation, Lord Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib shall lunch the meals cooked with these diseased hands. How can I offer such malicious food to my Lord True Master! I cannot commit this sin. She cried out loud and pleaded, have mercy O Lord, does not give me such command.
His Holiness said, Tikkul! Remove all these bandages from your hands, go knead the dough and make the Dhodha.
Mata Tikkul bowed in His reverence and with a heavy heart & brimmed eyes, began preparing the meal and kept calling out in her heart, Sachche Patshah ji! Why are you testing me? Kindly do not put me on such a tough test.
When the lunch was prepared, Mata Tikkul offered it to His Holiness and sitting next to Him started fanning Him with tradition hand fan. His Holiness accepted the meal with immense love. After the lunch, His Holiness took a nap for a while. In the evening, He sat on tanga (Horse cart) to leave for Darbar Sahiba and instructed in a stren voice, Tikkul! Do not washthe flour off your hands today; wash them tomorrow with five fifty five soap bar,let the hand be covered with flour.
Sadhsangat ji! The state & extent of the Accomplished True Master is Supreme; He compassionately eradicates the all pains & miseries of the beings.
|| Kahe ‘Daas Ishwar’ Aap Roop Ban, Dukh Bhanjan Taare Rooh Ubare||
Next day, as per His command, remembering Him & meditating Naam, as soon as Mata Tikkul washed her hands, she found no sign of leprosy in her hands, she bursted into tears out of great love & gratitude and said, Sache Patshah ji! Its soley Your immense mercy.
No medicines could cure this disease but Your gracious glance dashed off this chronic disease just in a blink of an eye as if it was never there. Great is grace, Sache Patshah, My Satgura! immense is Your grace. Witnessing this merciful Leela of His Holiness, her whole family submitted to His reverence in gratitude.
Sadhsangat ji! Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib ji would shower infinite grace upon beings and hide it through His Yog Maya. His Holiness All-capable True Master decreed such sermons that no one shall understand these glorious Leelas, right now the beings are not fortunate enough to understand this & would forget about these mystic plays. In the times to come, the divine manifestation shall arrive and reveal those mysteries to the ignorant beings. He, in His ecstasy, shall bestow mankind with ambrosial Naam, a way of selfless Sewa and holy company. Such decree has come true today which is witnessed by all. The Present True Master Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji has revealed the compassionate form of Previous True Masters.
|| Kahe ‘Daas Ishwar’ Aap Roop Ban Dukh Bhanjan Taare Rooh Ubaare ||
|| Hare Madhav Vani Bole, Prabhu Khumare Eke Tikna ||
|| Hau Baithat Dayale Ratt Sanga ||
O, disciples! Such transient miracles keep happening in the presence of Accomplished True Master like the incessant rain; the Glorious True Master always pours such gracious showers to awaken the beings but through the Satguru Bhagti, the eternal miracle happens within the soul, mind and Chitt and the being liberates forever. Today, each & every soul is experiencing the eternal miracle within, one must seek the eternal sacrament only from the Lord True Master Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji.
His Holiness explains one must always remain under Lord’s will. Whether you gain pleasure or pain, follow His will wholeheartedly & meditate upon His Naam. No matter the worldly troubles, do not let your love for True Master shaken; whether it affects your honor, remain under His will, meditate upon Naam and your soul shall ultimately experience the eternal miracle. Always seek to unite with the Supreme when you come to the True Master. Mold your mind by obeying the True Master’s command and protect it from the disease of ego.
O, disciples! To recover from the disease of ego, deepen your love for the True Master because the ego obstructs the mind to follow His will and commands. When you imbibe the Accomplished True Master’s pious sermons, then your mind & soul remains unaffected during any tough time; the mind detaches from the worldly pleasures & temptations; the divine wisdom awakens & eternal miracle happens within. Through the True Master’s company, you ultimately experience the ambrosial joy of uniting with the Supreme. Remember, when you abide by the True Master’s sermons, your inclination transcends from the external world to the Supreme and you rejoice in this experience. You shall realize that your mind that previously sought worldly pleasures now consumes only the ambrosia of Satguru Naam; it is the effect of True Master’s eternal miracle.
This glorious spectacle was revealed by Lord True Master Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji in the year 2007-2008 when Amma Tikkul who was then 90-95 years old and couldn’t walk but still came routinely to the Guru Darbar Sahib. One fine day when she came along with Dada Dwarkadas Ji, His Holiness True Master Baba Ishwar Shah Sahib Ji narrated this whole spectacle of compassion to them. On listening, they both were overwhelmed & suddenly remembered this spectacle. They acknowledged and fell into tears; and pleaded, O Saiji! We are ignorant, beings who forgot the blessings of Guru Maharaj Ji, You, the present enlightened form of Emperor Satguru Baba Madhav Shah Sahib Ji, Satguru Bab Narayan Shah Sahib Ji, are awakening us ignorant beings. Glory to You, my Lord, You are Madhav, You are Narayan, You are the Sovereign Lord Ishwar Shah.
O my Hare Madhav merciful benevolent emperor of the unfathomable realm, bless us Your true divine glance within and the ambrosial bliss of Your Naam, bless us the immense love and devotion for Your pious feet so that we witness Your truest form. Bless us my Lord, mercy upon us, O Hare Madhav Lord.
|| Kahe ‘Daas Ishwar’ Aap Roop Ban Dukh Bhanjan Taare Rooh Ubaare ||
|| Hare Madhav Vani Bole, Prabhu Khumare Eke Tikna ||
|| Hau Baithat Dayale Ratt Sanga ||
Hare Madhav Hare Madhav Hare Madhav