What is soul? What is spiritual path? What is life? What is death? What is the purpose of this life?
What is meditation? What is faith? What is belief?
Do we ever ask these questions? If yes, how many of us find the answers?
For every need that a Human life has, there is an expert to guide or fulfill that need. You need education; there are teachers to guide you. You need good food; there are chefs/restaurants to satiate the hunger. There are trainers, if you need a fit & healthy lifestyle and so on. These are the needs of our Body, which sadly rots one day and is destructive.
What about the HUNGER OF THE SOUL?
We are busy taking care of our bodily needs ignoring what the soul needs. Our body is, because soul is. It is the part of the Supreme Lord, the Hare Madhav Lord. Our existence on this earth is temporary but our soul exists in the True Master’s abode forever. The human birth has a purpose but we seldom forget the path towards our Real Destination and deviate becoming the part of this interim world.
Like our body, our soul too has needs that we must fulfill for a healthy living. Since our soul is eternal it longs for eternal peace and happiness that it can attain only by reaching its ultimate destination: the HARE MADHAV LOK. It is our responsibility to satiate that hunger. If your soul is not satiated, you will never be satisfied no matter what you achieve materialistically. Our soul needs to take the path to its real abode. To satiate the Hunger of the Soul and take this path we need an expert and No other than Perfect Satguru can do so. The Perfect True Master is one with the Supreme. His Highness has acquired the real wealth through Bhajana Simran. True Master’s whimsical play during Varsi Mahotsav is a sight to watch. What better than VARSI MAHOTSAV to quench the thirst and satiate the hunger of the soul. The two day Spiritual Mela on the 9 th & 10 th October is a delightful experience. Followers in great numbers arrive from around the world to attend this fest and satiate the hunger. The soulful fest also offers the opportunity to cleanse your soul through selfless service (SEWA) in the pious feet of True Master. The countless experiences and preaching is a life changer and no words would do justice to express the same.
Come quench the thirst of your soul and SATIATE THE HUNGER OF THE SOUL.